➢ We are an alternative option to Telkom on all voice services
➢ mPowerTel prides itself on providing its customers with the latest technology
➢ Guaranteed service level agreements
➢ We offer a consultative and holistic approach to telecoms
➢ Shared risk and rewards approach
➢ We strive continuously to meet the requirements of good corporate governance and ethical conduct
➢ mPowerTel is a VAS provider in South Africa and is strategically positioned to leverage future opportunities within a constant deregulating telecommunications environment.
Among mPowerTel’s customers are organisations such as: (INSERT customer LOGOS HERE) (the City of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD), Emergency Management Services (EMS), ABB, Intergov (Pty) Ltd., InterMed (Pty) Ltd., Telenetix technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd amongst others).
mPowerTel engenders and advocates responsible corporate social behavior and makes its contribution through the Celebrities for Humanity NPO. 2007/00287/08